Filming will take place on Monday and Wednesday but the cameras will be available to use Monday after school as well for those who want to do more filming.
Editing will be during our first week back in January.
Go to this above website and watch the adverts, you are also recommended to watch some of the 'making of' documentary and have a read of the behind the characters.
Choose 1 to analyse.
Write 5 paragraphs covering the following areas.
Denotation in the advert - using appropriate media terminology - observing closely the mise en scene, sound and of course use of animation
Connotations of the advert - what meaning is created by the choices made
representations - who or what is represented and how are they represented
Institution - what is the institution being presented, how is it presented and which bit of the ad is most involved with this.
Overall effect of the advert including who it is aimed at (target audience), what the purpose of the advert is, why did they choose to use the company Aardman to do the animation and if you think it is likely to be successful.
Classwork for this week was to deconstruct the PSP advert - we will be taking another look at this on Monday so please make sure that you bring it with you along with your Media book.
Your homework is to choose another advert and using the terminology which you have aquired in class analyse it in detail.
You should be aiming for about 500 words though I will accept between 350 and 550 as long as the work shows evidence of an attempt to engage with the advert using the language.
TIP: Think about how the product or service is represented to the audience and what messages about it are being conveyed and in what form.
FINALLY, if you are completely stuck and cannot find an advert to watch you may use the any of the adverts which we have viewed in class - the two seatbelt adverts or the coke one.
A reminder.
You should be looking to finish Assignment 1b - creating your own Magazine front cover with annotation ASAP if you have not already done so.
HOME LEARNING this week is to work on your concepts/ideas for the Be Creative competition.
You can approach this in lots of different ways. The best ideas are often the simplest so don't try and over complicate things.
Think about how to engage the specific audience - your age group
The idea is more important than anything else - think outside the box
Be positive NOT negative - test your ideas are they too critical of the audience, how can you get the audience behind you
Think about how you will make it - filming, animation, VO, a mixture of various forms - it might liberate your ideas if you think on paper, or if you talk to firend and family.
The first half term has been very successful, I have been really impressed with some of the work I have seen and the learning you have achieved.
There have been one or two teething problems with the technology but you have done well to overcome these and produce a good standard of work for your 1st Controlled assessment - Assignment 1a. Now you have the task of completing Assignment 1b - Creating your own magazine front cover.
Please see the exemplar on the Assignment 1 page of the blog and remember that it is really important that you try and show how well you know the conventions, that you can be creative and that you DO NOT BEAK COPYRIGHT LAW by using images which you have found on the internet - trace or copy them (in pen or pencil) but do not cut and paste from websites please - you will not get marks for this.
Those of you who have yet to submit your Assignment 1a - analysis of two front covers please ensure that these are finished by the beginning of next half term. Catch-up sessions will be arranged after school to ensure that you are up to date.
We will be beginning with some film making - there are some competitions which we can enter. We will also start looking at advertising: scripting, filming and editing ads for specific audiences. The concept we will be dealing with in this is Representation and this practical work will lead us towards our work on the second assignment which will begin before the end of term.
You can read and download the magazines by clicking on the subscribers site and using the login and password below.
This resource is extremely valuable and you can use it for research for all your Assignments as well as the exam. I will over the course of the year point you in the direction of specific articles which will form part of your home learning.
In the meantime, please browse and become familiar and if you feel inclined look up articles on Print Media.
Please check your blogs for my comments on your work to date.
The main note is that media terminology is only being used to identify features not really analyse and to get the higher levels you MUST analyse.
This means two things.
Denotations must be precise and detailed - an image/photo needs close analysis as we did earlier this term; copy needs to be explore like you might a poem - specific word choices, use of puns, alliteration etc. description need not be very long but should be precise.
Connotations must be drawn from what you have described. Meanings are to be explored - the reasons why the masthead might be in front of or behind the person in the photograph, the reasons why text might be slanted, in different fonts etc. the relative positions, the use of layout tricks, like the pretend sticker and the purpose of these with respect to the audience.
Audience: remember to apply BLulmer and Katz - how are the four uses and gratifications being apllied? Celebrities, why are we attractec to read about them? Advertisers? demographics etc.
Lots to consider I know BUT all quite within your grasp.
Here is the lesson from last week which includes the work which I expected you to do for Homework last week. As I have your book I will know who is up to date and who isn't.
You are welcome to use your blog to update your own work and improve your learning.
Your homework for this week is to create your own BLOG.
In the document below you will find detail of how to do this. If you have come across a problem such as you cannot remember the password to an old goodle account you created you should still be able to find out what it is and recover it but it may take a little time.
Remember that your BLOGs Title will be
(your first name) Media GCSE Year 10
the URL will be (yourname)mediagcse10 or something close that.
if you make a mistake, don't worry or panic but keep going and most things will be fixable once it is created,
Once you have done this you need to email me with the URL of your BLOG and I will link it to the main course BLOG.
This is where you will find information on what and how to study, links to interesting research sites which are relevant to your Media Studies GCSE (Vital Links), other students blogs (Student Blogs) and of course all the lessons taught if they have a presentation.
There are blogs for all Media Studies including year 11, year 12 and the new year 9 Extra curricula course.
My expectation from you is that you will check this blog regularly (at least twise a week), will use your own blog for class and home work (at least once a week), will engage fully in the online side of your learning and improve these skills.
To do this you will have to make your own blog and this is what we are going to do this lesson.
There are a few important things when it comes to e-safety which you MUST and MUST NOT do.
Name your blog and URL - (first name)MediaGCSEyr10
Only use the blog for Media studies work
We will also be looking at the privacy setting to ensure that only members of this class can comment to your blog and limit who has access to it.
But for this and to get you started watch the video...